Chapel Time!
We praise and thank the Lord for this wonderful opportunity to open another avenue for Kuei Shan students to learn more about God and His...

Our Voice in Writing
Theme: How we express ourselves Central idea: Our voice is an important form of expression to communicate different ideas, emotions, and...

透過5W(Where、Who、Why、Where、When) 2H(How、How much) 統整找到的古代遺跡或建築的資料, 並且藉由Think-Pair-Share口頭分享報告, 聽者必須利用See-Think-Wonder給與回饋。 藉由"聽"與"說",...

配合PYP第二單元Where we are in place and time,我們特地邀請到銘傳大學的倪孝強老師為我們進行古代遺跡的石器介紹。倪老師不但詳細解說史前時代的相關知識,還帶了許多珍貴的石器到現場,讓我們親眼看一看、親手摸一摸。透過這一次的講座,相信大家對史前文...

Agape Love - Life Appreciation Show 2016
What a wonderful way to wrap up 2016! The theme for the show this year was “Agape Love.” Agape is the Greek work for God’s perfect,...

Timeline of Civilizations
For over two weeks, the hard-working 6th graders absorbed some fascinating facts on the topic of major archaeological discoveries....

動手操作了了解圓面積公式的由來 為什麼圓面積的公式是半徑*半徑*3.14呢? 剛進入圓面積這個單元時,孩子們多數都背得出圓面積的公式, 當深入往下探究:為何圓面積的公式要這麼算時, 大家都啞口無言了! 「知其所以然」是建構邏輯的重要歷程,...

Ancient Structure 3D Model
★總結性評量:單元總結性評量: 3D研究模型 :學生決定一個特定的古建築/遺跡,利用創意重現它的三維模型。 信息化的寫作(PPT)是另一評量重點,包括它是如何消失,它是如何被發現,科學家是如何發現在過去發生了什麼,與此相關的任何文明的奧秘都被涵蓋其中...

Promoting the IB Learner Profile and Attitudes
In sixth grade, the central idea for the fourth unit of inquiry was ‘Our voice is an important form of expression to communicate...
