G4 記敘文創作:我的課後休閒時光
在第四單元主題:我們如何組織自己,教師引導學生從接觸各種不同課後的休閒活動, 讓學生了解活動的多元化,並且知道休閒活動與金錢之間的關係,以及如何善於安排應用時間,來充實自己的生活。 同時學生將學習做讀書筆記不但可儲存寫作的資料,還可以促進思考,增進知識,能明白語詞運用的...


G2 讀寫工作坊: 創作科學文本三折頁

Grade 5 Media Survey
We have been learning about different forms of media in grade 5. To better understand what types of media are popular amongst students,...

Kindergarten: Creativity through Weaving
Froebel occupations are for kids to be able to create willingly. For the Wednesday Kindergarten after school UOI class extension of the...

Kindergarten – We learn how to share our planet
Everyone knows that water is important and is a scarce resource that we need to protect. However, how can we communicate this idea to...

Grade 4 : Hydroponic Garden
As part of our Where We Are in Space and Time unit, Grade 4 students created a hydroponics garden as part of an investigation into living...

G3: 創作自己的童話故事
在這個單元的讀寫工作坊中,我們要學習寫一篇童話故事。順應anchor chart的逐步引導,孩子們學習改編角色、改編事件和改編動機等,結合課本第四單元「奇幻故事屋」,讓孩子有更多的創作靈感,最後孩子可以創作屬於自己獨一無二的童話故事。

Grade 1 Nonfiction book Writing
As part of the Reading and Writing Workshop curriculum, our first graders explored the different features of informational texts or...

G3:Connecting to Nature & Storytelling
he Little Grade 3 Teachers Written and Illustrated by Kuei Shan Grade 3 Adapted From The Little Red Hen “Who will help me till the soil?”...