G2 English: Feelings and Emotions
How We Express Ourselves: English UOI (Unit 3) Central Idea: People use their bodies in many different ways to communicate their feelings...

G1-G3 PE: Movement Composition
How We Express Ourselves: Movement Composition (Dance) Central Idea: People express themselves differently through dance and music Line...
Winter Camp 2022
寒期課程營在充滿春節氣氛環境下,熱情展開! 為期五天的營隊中,學生有機會體驗古早味童玩的樂趣、一品傳統糕點的美味,以及一展書法與剪紙的功力。 多元活潑的課程,也讓學生感同身受視障者的挑戰,而以電路學為基礎製造的紙板吉他,更是有趣! Please enjoy the...

SY110 PYP Lantern Festival
在這學期的開學第一天,所有PYP學生仍舊沉浸在中國新年的喜悅裡,為了迎接三天後元宵節的到來,我們舉辦了「猜燈謎,慶元宵」的活動。 早上,所有的中文老師帶著學生著手布置教室和活動會場,一盞盞美麗的花燈與一張張充滿智慧的燈謎,讓校園更加美麗!...