Grade 1 Field Trip to the Organic Farm: An Inquiry Into the Natural World
As part of our inquiry cycle exploring how we use our senses to discover and understand the changes in the natural world, our Grade 1...
Grade 2 Field Trip
This week in Grade 2, learners were hard at work on their Unit 6 Summative Assessment, which was completed in 3 parts. First, they...
G3- Exploring History at the Evergreen Maritime Museum: A Journey Through Time
Today, our third-graders embarked on an exciting field trip to the Evergreen Maritime Museum in Taipei, directly connecting to our Unit...
Kindergarten Goes to Deer Dear Ranch
The Kindergarten Wednesday Afternoon English Program students went to Dear Deer Ranch for experiential learning. They got to feed and...
Kindergarten: Qianshuiwan fieldtrip (Earth Day celebration)
Water is important. Water is life. So we need to take care of it. Today, the K students went to Qianshuiwan beach to do their Student...
G4 Field Trip - Origins of Money
Central idea: Money is a human-made system that helps value goods and services. Grade 4 has recently returned from a field trip to Jiufen...
G4 Environmental Action: Clean up Shalun Beach in Tamsui
On June 8th as part of our Grade 4 Unit on Sharing the Planet, our students took environmental action to clean up Shalun Beach in Tamsui....
K: HTWW-五隻小小鳥故事中心
中心思想:探索人類和動物間的關係,能幫助我們了解彼此都是相互連結的。 在「世界是如何運作-五隻小小鳥故事中心」的單元裡,藉由五隻小小鳥的故事,讓孩子們自由想像故事的結局,並且思考當有人類幫助小鳥時,又會有怎樣不同的結局。孩子們在討論過程中省思到人類跟動物是緊密關聯的,例如:...
G5 探究歷史:參訪博物館
第二單元的中心思想為「透過對地球表面的研究可以發現古代的歷史。」 我們到了十三行博物館學習,從導覽詳細的介紹十三行人的生活起居,到我們自己在十三行公園體驗十三行人的干欄式建築和砂土挖礦。這些過程,讓我們發現原來過去人類的生活與我們有天壤之別的差異。除了獲取新知,我們也把這份...
G2 Recycling Plant Field Trip
Central idea: We have the responsibility to maintain the earth’s natural resources. 在5/3的早上,G2 帶著期待又緊張的心情來到木柵焚化爐。一下車,我們就聞到陣陣的垃圾味,我們很確定這是我...