Chapel : The Day of Pentecost
G1-2 Chapel Last Sunday (May 28 2023) was the Day of Pentecost. It's an holy day in Christian World. Saint Peter was one of disciple...
G1 Chinese Culture : 媽媽,謝謝您的照顧!
5月的來臨,一首遊子吟來歌頌母愛的偉大,孩子們透過吟唱,了解詩中慈母為兒子趕製衣服, 而母親手 中的線,變成了兒子身上的衣服,「線」和「衣」把母子二人的心緊緊地連繫一起,孩子們邊吟唱邊了解詩人將母愛由抽象的感情具體地表現出來。...

G1 Chinese: 學習有關螢火蟲的一切

G2 IM Project: Reuse the Refuse
As a citizen of globalization, International Mindedness is an essential ability required. Followed by a visit to Beitou Refuse...

G4 IM Project: Donates to PACK Animal Rescue
After 6 weeks of hard work, 4th graders raised NTD49,200 from Kuei Shan community. The donation will help PACK Animal Rescue to have...

G1 Donates to Church to Help Ukraine
Love one another as I have loved you. Walk in the way of Love. Today, Kuei Shan invited Ms.K to do presentation for 1st graders. This...

G2 Social Study: Raising Awareness about Food Waste
Sharing the Planet: Social Studies UOI Unit 5 Central Idea: We have a responsibility to maintain the Earth’s natural resources. Lines of...

G5 English- The Idea of Rights in Different Ways
Grade 5 students are quickly coming to an end of their How We Organize Ourselves unit. During this unit, students have been guided by the...
G3 Math- Calculating Carbon Footprint
Approaches to Learning (ATLs): Social, thinking, self-management Learner profile: Caring, principled Our fifth UOI’s central idea was “We...

SY111 Scouting Day
The Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 10 school-wide scouting trip at Pushin Ranch was a resounding success, with students from all grades...