SY111 G1注音符號闖關活動
Unit 2: Sports is a way of expressing our confidence, mental well-being and sense of community. 第二單元:運動是表達自信,身心健康及社區意識的一種方式。 Theme:How We...

2022 Thanksgiving Chapel
On Thanksgiving Day, PYP students gathered to celebrate by grade level. Students shared what they are thankful for and indeed there are...

G2 VA : 抽象畫之父康定斯基
Grade Two Visual Art WWA 抽象畫之父康定斯基 在這單元中,我們使用基本形狀(如圓形、三角形和矩形)創建一個超級簡單的抽象藝術作品,這些形狀相互重疊以創建新的抽象形狀。然後,我們用不同的顏色填充每個形狀。 塗鴉繪畫藝術

2022 PYP Sports Day
On a lovely Saturday morning, these young fighters all walked in to the school with joyful rhythm and smiley faces. Because they know...

G5 Social Studies-- Ancient Chinese Artifact
This past unit, the students have been learning about Ancient Civilizations, specifically Ancient China, from the Qin Dynasty all the way...

G2 Music 吹奏直笛:練習氣息與指頭的完美配合
中心探究思想:那些「探索激勵我們的人」,並不斷思考「如何把笛子吹得優美」。 這一陣子,我們正努力學習直笛。四個氣孔、四種指法,分別是G,A,B,D這四個音。看似簡單,卻需要穩定的氣息和靈巧的指頭,才能順利完成一首歌曲。我們已經學了[瑪莉的小羊]、[輕輕聽]以及[耶穌愛我],...

G3 Math-Subtraction Up to 10,000
The Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach uses physical and visual aids to help students learn abstract topics. This approach...

K: HTWW-五隻小小鳥故事中心
中心思想:探索人類和動物間的關係,能幫助我們了解彼此都是相互連結的。 在「世界是如何運作-五隻小小鳥故事中心」的單元裡,藉由五隻小小鳥的故事,讓孩子們自由想像故事的結局,並且思考當有人類幫助小鳥時,又會有怎樣不同的結局。孩子們在討論過程中省思到人類跟動物是緊密關聯的,例如:...

PK: If I lose my sense of sight, how to experience the world
What would happen if we did not have a sense of sight? Would we know where to go? Would we know where to put Mr. Potato's eyes and ears?...

Kindergarten: 歡慶雙十國慶
歡慶雙十國慶 Ten-Ten Day Ten-Ten Day We love Taiwan Say Hur-ray Ten-Ten Day Ten-Ten Day God bless Taiwan this I Pray...