SY112 G1-G5 元宵節猜燈謎
2024年2月23日下午3點,奎山校園各處舉辦了元宵節猜燈謎的快閃活動。 腦筋急轉彎之外,也更深刻地瞭解了中華文化。饒富趣味! 本週六將迎來一年一度的元宵節,元宵節是農曆新年的第一個月圓日,象徵著開始和圓滿,猜燈謎也是賞花燈時的風雅活動,因此,各年級都舉辦了「猜燈謎慶元宵」...

2023-24 Spelling Bee
This year, G1-G5 Spelling Bee Final Rounds were held on 22nd-23rd Febuary 2024. Each grade level has 12 candidates, they are...

G1-G5 Chapel & Bible verse recitation
Winter Break is over and school becomes lively again with these beautiful smiley faces ! During the 3-week vacation, students set up...