2024 Performance of Praise
Led by the highest grade-level (G5), PYP students, staff and parents use their creativity to glorify God and experience the joy of...

G3- Exploring History at the Evergreen Maritime Museum: A Journey Through Time
Today, our third-graders embarked on an exciting field trip to the Evergreen Maritime Museum in Taipei, directly connecting to our Unit...

G3: Presenting the IB learner profiles and 3 Be's guide
Here we are reviewing our learner profile. The goal here was to read examples of each learner profile and match the text with the heading....

G3 教學單元:家庭文化和價值觀,會影響我們如何看自己
每個家庭都有屬於自己的文化和價值觀。 在三年級第一個單元的中心思想為『家庭文化和價值觀,會影響我們如何看自己』。我們透過閱讀共讀書[阿公阿嬤奮鬥記],認識了台灣十位長輩從小到大的奮鬥故事。此外,我們訪談了自己的家人。在訪問他們的過程中,看見了支撐他們奮鬥下去的力量和價值觀,...

G3 UOI: Understanding Who We Are
During the first unit of this new school year, grade three learners at Kuei Shan inquired into how their family culture and values impact...

2020 Kuei Shan PYP Performance of Praise
Performance of Praise 2020 just ended last month. PYP students all did their best on the stage, passing all the wonderful messages full...

In the Mountain - G3 Visual Arts Exhibition
The third grade students celebrated their visual arts learning through an exhibition showcasing new research skills they learned -...


Importance of Cooperation
Theme: How We Organise Ourselves Central idea: Cooperation is essential to achieve team goals. As part of the process-focused unit of...

Sports Day 2019
What a sunny mid-November morning! Kuei Shan School’s Sports Day 2019 got off to a fine start. All participants were amazed by variety of...