Kindergarten Plant Observation
In the beginning of the semester, we planted cabbage seeds to observe its growth. Children brought in recycled cans from their home and...
Kindergarten: Pet Observation
Unit 2: How We Express Ourselves Tuning in We kicked off the Unit by introducing the classic Crab Story to the students. We focused on...
SY113-1 Kindergarten Open house
單元 :我們如何組織自己 中心思想:隨著身體和心智的成長,我們組織並調適自己在不同的團體中所扮演的角色。 這次幼兒園的Open house, 我們結合Unit所學, 探索與認識身體與感官、發展各項的運動技能,還有平日的英文學習和福祿貝爾恩物的操作,透過分組活動,孩子們和父...
2024 National Day Celebration
Celebrating National Day (Double-Ten Day) , is always a tradition of Taipei Kuei Shan School. This year, we had a variety of programs,...
PYP/DP I Campus Exploration Project
This event offered an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding about the learning environment around them so that they may...
主題:我們如何表達自己 - How we express ourselves 中心思想:探究故事角色讓我們了解牠們的行為,並用創意的方式表達故事角色 在奎山,福祿貝爾恩物的教學向來是學校所重視的課程,而幼兒園中有三大特色,一是「發展自理能力」,二是「發展兩種語言」,三是「發...
幼兒園:「世界如何運作」- 總結性評量
Kindergarten Goes to Deer Dear Ranch
The Kindergarten Wednesday Afternoon English Program students went to Dear Deer Ranch for experiential learning. They got to feed and...
幼兒園-動物探究成果發表會 Kindergarten Research Report SY112-2 2024.05.17
主題:我們如何表達自己 - How we express ourselves 中心思想:探究故事角色讓我們了解牠們的行為,並用創意的方式表達故事角色。 什麼是“表達”呢? 我們可以“如何表達自己”? 團討中孩子們說到,可以用畫圖、肢體動作、恩物的創作以及我們平時的摺紙工、手...