2022 PYP Sports Day
On a lovely Saturday morning, these young fighters all walked in to the school with joyful rhythm and smiley faces. Because they know...
K: HTWW-五隻小小鳥故事中心
中心思想:探索人類和動物間的關係,能幫助我們了解彼此都是相互連結的。 在「世界是如何運作-五隻小小鳥故事中心」的單元裡,藉由五隻小小鳥的故事,讓孩子們自由想像故事的結局,並且思考當有人類幫助小鳥時,又會有怎樣不同的結局。孩子們在討論過程中省思到人類跟動物是緊密關聯的,例如:...
PK: If I lose my sense of sight, how to experience the world
What would happen if we did not have a sense of sight? Would we know where to go? Would we know where to put Mr. Potato's eyes and ears?...
Kindergarten: 歡慶雙十國慶
歡慶雙十國慶 Ten-Ten Day Ten-Ten Day We love Taiwan Say Hur-ray Ten-Ten Day Ten-Ten Day God bless Taiwan this I Pray...
National Day Celebration
Celebrating National Day (Double-Ten Day) , is always a tradition of Taipei Kuei Shan School. This year, we had a variety of programs,...
Back to School -- How We Organize Ourselves and Have Fun at the Kindergarten
School’s back, and it’s not hard to imagine the many worries a K student would have: “Will I be able to find my classroom? Will I like it...
Kindergarten: Creativity through Weaving
Froebel occupations are for kids to be able to create willingly. For the Wednesday Kindergarten after school UOI class extension of the...
Kindergarten – We learn how to share our planet
Everyone knows that water is important and is a scarce resource that we need to protect. However, how can we communicate this idea to...
Kindergarten: 我們是小小裁縫師
結合超學科主題『我們如何組織自己』及福祿貝爾-縫工,老師引導孩子認識組織的秩序及經濟活動影響人類的狀況。 一開始,我們藉由許多生活當中的物品,讓孩子透過實際的觀察發現物品是由縫製而成的,接著藉由縫製的練習活動了解縫工的種類,知道縫製的功能。...
PreK: Our English Language Learning Journey
Language learning is like climbing a mountain. To some, it may be discouraging because the top is so far away. To others, the journey...