Froebel Gifts: Forms of Life
“Forms of Life represent tangible objects in the child's world, such as buildings, furniture etc. It is social studies for young...

2020 Kuei Shan PYP Performance of Praise
Performance of Praise 2020 just ended last month. PYP students all did their best on the stage, passing all the wonderful messages full...

In the Mountain - G3 Visual Arts Exhibition
The third grade students celebrated their visual arts learning through an exhibition showcasing new research skills they learned -...

Chinese Classic Rhymes 創作兒歌
大班-兒歌 在「我們如何表達自己-故事中心獅子大王」的單元裡,孩子們繼先前各動物的探究、KWL與找尋答案、展示成果,對於故事中的動物角色已有了相當的認識,配合中心思想及主要概念--形式、觀點、我們嘗試讓孩子在校本課程中的「兒歌」進行創作,透過教師的引導,小組間相互討論,思考...

中班週三課後活動結合UOI(How the world works)更顯多元又豐富,我們運用了樹葉進行創作,透過觀察校園收集生活環境中的天然素材進行活動,每個人呈現出自己眼中所觀察到冬天校園。 樹葉創作-冬天的奎山 運用身體手腳部位我們一樣可以共同創作出一幅春天的景緻,老師...

第三單元:世界如何運作 中心思想:四季的變化對我們日常生活的影響 季節聯結的詩選:寒食(ㄙˋ)/作者:韋應物 詩選中傳遞了春天的訊息,更讓我們連結到現在春天所相關的節日清明,透過詩中「春園百卉開」更是讓幼生能清楚明白春天正是開出許多美麗的花朵。...

PK Learns about Seasons
Theme: How the world works Central idea: Changing seasons can change the way we live. “Elsa,” “snowman,” and “ice cream” were the words...

PK-K Wednesday Afternoon Play and Exploration
Here's a glimpse at student learning during Kuei Shan preschool's Wednesday afternoon program. Students enjoy learning through tons of...

小水滴的旅行: A Waterdrop's Journey
孩子運用想像力和創造力,透過福祿貝爾恩物創作展現出個人對於「水」的學習及經驗 Students use metaphorical and creative expressions through Froebel Gifts to share their personal...

Winter Festival 2019
Winter Festival Fundraising and Learning Fair December 20th, 2019 The entire Kuei Shan community enjoyed an afternoon of food, games,...