G5 visits G9 Science Fair & G10 Personal Project (Winter Festival)
On New Year's Eve, our fifth graders visited the G9 Science Fair booths and G10 Personal Project stalls, which offered a variety of...
五年級 UOI 1 藝術總評 夏商周-青銅器製作
Central idea: Analysis of artifacts can provide insight into cycles and patterns in ancient histories. 經過一連串的努力,恭喜五年級的孩子們完成的一項富有挑戰的任務!...
主題:我們如何表達自己 - How we express ourselves 中心思想:探究故事角色讓我們了解牠們的行為,並用創意的方式表達故事角色 在奎山,福祿貝爾恩物的教學向來是學校所重視的課程,而幼兒園中有三大特色,一是「發展自理能力」,二是「發展兩種語言」,三是「發...
G2 Natural Resources Research Presentation
A vibrant display of individual projects were completed in Grade 2 in response to our Sharing The Planet unit: We have the responsibility...
PYP visits G10 Exhibition
10th graders demonstrate their hard work through a variety of creative/thoughtful art pieces. We are glad that G4 and G5 students had...
G3 Lettuce Planting and Harvest
Growing plants is a great way to teach young students responsibility and for them to experience the benefits of hard work first-hand. We...
G4 Fundraising Project for the Homeless
In response to their understanding of the central idea,"Money is a human-made system that helps value goods and services.", the fourth...
五年級的小雞孵化了! 經過整整二十四天的引頸期盼,今年的五年級學生,共同孵化出二十隻小雞。在孵化的過程,孩子們要時時確認孵化器的溫度與濕度、定時翻蛋、每日細細觀察蛋的變化,並且認真地記錄下來。 孩子們驚奇的看著小雞在卵中的成長,從一片黃澄澄的蛋黃,到能夠看見黑眼睛、長滿如同...
No Food Waste Challenge
Theme: Sharing the planet Central idea: We have the responsibility to maintain our natural resources. Background The No Food Waste...
幼兒園 :「世界如何運作」- 世界水資源活動
在「世界如何運作 How the world works」單元中,我們聚焦在“水”的探究,藉由繪本「小水滴的旅行」了解水的循環過程以及熱能對水的融化、蒸發、冷凝和凍結的影響。同時也在教室分組進行水的實驗,有彩虹橋、降雨、水蒸發、溶解、表面張力、浮與沉..等實驗,學生們化做小...