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Kindergarten Plant Observation
In the beginning of the semester, we planted cabbage seeds to observe its growth. Children brought in recycled cans from their home and...
Kindergarten: Pet Observation
Unit 2: How We Express Ourselves Tuning in We kicked off the Unit by introducing the classic Crab Story to the students. We focused on...
SY113-1 Kindergarten Open house
單元 :我們如何組織自己 中心思想:隨著身體和心智的成長,我們組織並調適自己在不同的團體中所扮演的角色。 這次幼兒園的Open house, 我們結合Unit所學, 探索與認識身體與感官、發展各項的運動技能,還有平日的英文學習和福祿貝爾恩物的操作,透過分組活動,孩子們和父...
2024 National Day Celebration
Celebrating National Day (Double-Ten Day) , is always a tradition of Taipei Kuei Shan School. This year, we had a variety of programs,...
PYP/DP I Campus Exploration Project
This event offered an opportunity for students to deepen their understanding about the learning environment around them so that they may...
主題:我們如何表達自己 - How we express ourselves 中心思想:探究故事角色讓我們了解牠們的行為,並用創意的方式表達故事角色 在奎山,福祿貝爾恩物的教學向來是學校所重視的課程,而幼兒園中有三大特色,一是「發展自理能力」,二是「發展兩種語言」,三是「發...
幼兒園:「世界如何運作」- 總結性評量
Kindergarten Goes to Deer Dear Ranch
The Kindergarten Wednesday Afternoon English Program students went to Dear Deer Ranch for experiential learning. They got to feed and...
幼兒園-動物探究成果發表會 Kindergarten Research Report SY112-2 2024.05.17
主題:我們如何表達自己 - How we express ourselves 中心思想:探究故事角色讓我們了解牠們的行為,並用創意的方式表達故事角色。 什麼是“表達”呢? 我們可以“如何表達自己”? 團討中孩子們說到,可以用畫圖、肢體動作、恩物的創作以及我們平時的摺紙工、手...
Pre-Kindergarten: 一起認識水循環!
Unit 5 : How the world works 世界如何運作 中心思想:探索水循環可以揭示我們周圍的變化模式。 在這個單元中,我們探究了各種跟「水」有關的大小事。中班的孩子透過各樣的實驗、觀察來探索認識水的特性。其中,我們想知道身邊的水會跑去哪裡,於是我們把水杯放...
幼小銜接不僅僅是孩子的課程,也是家長們的課題。 透過小學教學團隊的介紹,從品格教育到教學活動,還有生活的細節與對孩子的期待等,方方面面,細細的與在場的家長們娓娓道出,使家長們深入理解奎山使命宣言「T.R.U.T.H.」的意涵;看到奎山團隊在教學上的豐富與創新;認識奎山師生如...
SY 2023-2024 Student-led Conferences
Parents and Students were invited to attend this year’s student-led conferences for Kindergarten to Grade 4 students, they were held on...
Kindergarten: Qianshuiwan fieldtrip (Earth Day celebration)
Water is important. Water is life. So we need to take care of it. Today, the K students went to Qianshuiwan beach to do their Student...
Pre-Kindergarten Open House
今天是中班Open House活動,在陽光熱情的陪伴下,一踏進活動現場就彷彿走進了充滿笑聲的學習天堂。老師們預備了豐富有趣的活動,迎接寶貝們的到來,在英文、陶土、福祿貝爾恩物、肢體運動以及親子律動等活動中,孩子們帶著爸爸媽媽一起體驗了每日的校園生活。 詩選...
「恩物」是指「神恩賜兒童的玩具」,為幼兒園創始者”福祿貝爾” 自己設計並製造發展的遊戲用具,藉由恩物的遊戲,兒童可以更認識這個世界的運作方式。在幼兒園階段,幼兒可以藉由恩物學習形狀知識、對稱、圖案,結合生活層面,我們可以用恩物拼出對稱的橋、具有美感的城堡、有規則順序的圍牆。...
2024 K-G2 Bilingual Storytelling
K-2 students all took advantage of this opportunity to promote international-mindedness through multilingualism. Participation not only...
2024 Scouting Day With plenty of entertaining & educational activities, students explored the nature and practiced teamwork...
幼兒園 :「世界如何運作」- 世界水資源活動
在「世界如何運作 How the world works」單元中,我們聚焦在“水”的探究,藉由繪本「小水滴的旅行」了解水的循環過程以及熱能對水的融化、蒸發、冷凝和凍結的影響。同時也在教室分組進行水的實驗,有彩虹橋、降雨、水蒸發、溶解、表面張力、浮與沉..等實驗,學生們化做小...
K- 幼兒體能活動:123木頭人
123木頭人,傳統的遊戲用指令控制身體行動和停止,活動分成三個階段「基本、進階、精緻」提升幼兒在體能活動中的執行功能。 運用「刻意遊戲」加上圖卡星星、月亮。小朋友必須用想像力發明出動作,並用工作記憶能力記住其他小朋友做過的動作,在看別的孩子動作時,他因為必須保持專心,也必須...
2024 Easter Chapel
We Pray the Lord, and the Lord teaches us how to maintain loving relationship. He also prepares a plan for each of us and makes us...
2024 PK-3 Book Character Hat Parade
In March and April, Kuei Shan holds several activities that are related to International Mindedness, and Book Character Hat Parade is one...
2023 National Day Celebration
Celebrating National Day (Double-Ten Day) , is always a tradition of Taipei Kuei Shan School. This year, we had a variety of programs,...
Kindergarten: Summer fruits on campus
What's wrapped in paper towels? Fruits in season are falling down! Our K learners picked up bell fruit and mango from the ground to help...
Easter Chapel: Jesus comes alive!
The Life after death is glamour glory. Everyday, when we make mistakes, face frustration and show weakness, it is kind of dying. However,...
G4 IM Project: PACK Animal Rescue visit to Kuei Shan
It's a cold rainy day, but Kuei Shan PYP students are hot-blooded than ever. Today, we invited PACK 巴克幫 , the nonprofit charity that PYP...
PYP Chapel : More Good Days!
Students are back in Kuei Shan, ready to kick-start new semester with full of energy and creativity! During praise and worship, students...
中心思想:我們都有創造力,且我們能用多種方式表達它。 要完成一齣故事中心的演出,需要具備什麼?要演什麼、如何呈現?穿什麼拿什麼?要怎麼把我們的教室變成一座可以演出舞台呢? 在這個單元裡,中班的孩子們自己編創戲劇的結尾;討論如何使用樂器呈現慶祝會歡樂的氣氛;使用福祿貝爾恩物自...
SY111 Winter Festival - PYP Learning Fair
Theme: An abundance of blessings and good works 多得恩惠 多行善事 Scripture: And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at...
2022 Thanksgiving Chapel
On Thanksgiving Day, PYP students gathered to celebrate by grade level. Students shared what they are thankful for and indeed there are...
2022 PYP Sports Day
On a lovely Saturday morning, these young fighters all walked in to the school with joyful rhythm and smiley faces. Because they know...
K: HTWW-五隻小小鳥故事中心
中心思想:探索人類和動物間的關係,能幫助我們了解彼此都是相互連結的。 在「世界是如何運作-五隻小小鳥故事中心」的單元裡,藉由五隻小小鳥的故事,讓孩子們自由想像故事的結局,並且思考當有人類幫助小鳥時,又會有怎樣不同的結局。孩子們在討論過程中省思到人類跟動物是緊密關聯的,例如:...
PK: If I lose my sense of sight, how to experience the world
What would happen if we did not have a sense of sight? Would we know where to go? Would we know where to put Mr. Potato's eyes and ears?...
Kindergarten: 歡慶雙十國慶
歡慶雙十國慶 Ten-Ten Day Ten-Ten Day We love Taiwan Say Hur-ray Ten-Ten Day Ten-Ten Day God bless Taiwan this I Pray...
National Day Celebration
Celebrating National Day (Double-Ten Day) , is always a tradition of Taipei Kuei Shan School. This year, we had a variety of programs,...
Back to School -- How We Organize Ourselves and Have Fun at the Kindergarten
School’s back, and it’s not hard to imagine the many worries a K student would have: “Will I be able to find my classroom? Will I like it...
Kindergarten: Creativity through Weaving
Froebel occupations are for kids to be able to create willingly. For the Wednesday Kindergarten after school UOI class extension of the...
Kindergarten – We learn how to share our planet
Everyone knows that water is important and is a scarce resource that we need to protect. However, how can we communicate this idea to...
Kindergarten: 我們是小小裁縫師
結合超學科主題『我們如何組織自己』及福祿貝爾-縫工,老師引導孩子認識組織的秩序及經濟活動影響人類的狀況。 一開始,我們藉由許多生活當中的物品,讓孩子透過實際的觀察發現物品是由縫製而成的,接著藉由縫製的練習活動了解縫工的種類,知道縫製的功能。...
PreK: Our English Language Learning Journey
Language learning is like climbing a mountain. To some, it may be discouraging because the top is so far away. To others, the journey...
PreK: 讓我們用感官來體驗世界
在第一單元「我們是誰─五感」的探究課程中,孩子們有了美好的學習展現! 在導入的部分,老師帶著孩子們在奎山的校園自然環境中盡情探索,運用自己的感官來看一看、聽一聽、觸摸、踩踏、擁抱學校的戶外環境,在過程中,孩子們都有了全新的體驗,也藉著這樣有意義的活動,展開了一連串的探究學習...
Kindergarten- We have chance to grow our plant!
In this day and age, students are accustomed to watching Youtube videos, commanding home assistance technology to turn on music, and...
National Day Celebration 2021
Each year, in addition to looking forward to an often long weekend, Kuei Shan proudly presents the National Day (Double-Ten Day)...
They shall run, and not be weary.
在澆水的過程中,難免看到嬌嫩的植物因為酷暑蛻去了好幾張的皮,但也看到堅韌的小草反而蹦出土壤。隨著澆水漸漸步上樓,會發現風景有所不同。求學的路也是如此,人生隨著歷練讓年歲漸增時,眼界更廣。 若學校的定義是學生與老師教與學的場所,那麼,現在透過線上平台的教學方式,你心中對學校的...
A Plentiful Harvest: Nature's Balance and Harmony
有沒有比吹冷氣更環保的消暑方式?有的!那就是泡在冷水澡盆裡。別擔心,奎山老師們有在省水原則下,幫植物換水,保持他們的身體清潔。奎山學生們,你們在家也別忘留意衛生、勤洗手,多多刷牙漱口喔! Is there a more environmentally friendly...
The Quality of Care Provided by Staffs
在疫情嚴峻時刻,人類發揮團結合作精神,共同堅守社交距離來保護家園。奎山學生養育的植栽,雖然在沒有口罩與酒精的防備下緊貼著彼此生活,卻有師長們的關愛,透過每天定時澆水與查照,希望他們的生命力也能旺盛蓬勃。 At the moment when the epidemic is...
童軍學習營 Scouting Day
奎山實驗高級中等學校童軍學習營於4/16 舉行,童軍學習營作為童軍課程的延伸,結合探究行動,差異化之活動設計讓全校從幼兒園至十年級學生及全校教職員參與其中,強化發展樂觀態度、正向價值、領導者風範與團隊合作。整體活動規劃有四面向:小隊團體生活、教育專案(包括童軍工程與實地探究...
Froebel Gifts: Form of Knowledge
“Mathematical ideas such as number, counting, measuring, addition and subtraction” Froebel Gifts can be explored and used in three...
Froebel Gifts: Form of Beauty
“There is beauty in symmetry.” This was how we went about with our lessons on the form of beauty using the Gifts. In the beginning, we...
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