SY113 奎山運動聯賽- 樂樂棒PYP決賽
今日,小學樂樂棒球運動項目決賽在冷冽的天氣中如期舉行。雖然寒風陣陣,但現場的熱情絲毫不減,學生們的高昂士氣與觀眾的加油聲交織成一幅熱血沸騰的畫面。 比賽在下午2:40正式開始,首先登場是季軍賽,參賽的兩支隊伍分別是馬林魚與紅襪隊。開賽前,場邊已經聚滿了為選手們打氣的同學。他...
2024 Sports Day
Kuei Shan's annual Sports Day! At Kuei Shan, we are committed to cultivating "United: Life giving community" and "holistic balanced...
2023 Sports Day
Each smiley face lit up the day, every happy rhythm blew away the stress. These young warriors were so ready and excited to emabrace...
2022 PYP Sports Day
On a lovely Saturday morning, these young fighters all walked in to the school with joyful rhythm and smiley faces. Because they know...
G4-5 足球運動聯賽決賽!進PK!
奎山運動聯賽足球賽季於今天舉辦決賽,分別由Juventus 對上Manchester Unite。兩隊實力不相上下,Juventus 在正規時間最後一分鐘踢進追平分,兩隊進入PK大賽! PK大賽兩隊分別踢進前三球,Manchester Unite的最後一球被Juventus...
G1-G2 PE: Enhance overall fitness
It has been a great first month with our Physical Education Program for Grade 1. The students have been learning the proper way to line...
G1-G3 PE: Movement Composition
How We Express Ourselves: Movement Composition (Dance) Central Idea: People express themselves differently through dance and music Line...
Who We Are: Health and Fitness
Central Idea: Having self-belief and perseverance towards set goals can help achieve a healthy lifestyle. Line of Inquiry: How...
The Game of 48
It is with great pleasure to introduce the game of "48" to the primary students as part of our PE adventure challenge curriculum at...