A Plentiful Harvest: Nature's Balance and Harmony
有沒有比吹冷氣更環保的消暑方式?有的!那就是泡在冷水澡盆裡。別擔心,奎山老師們有在省水原則下,幫植物換水,保持他們的身體清潔。奎山學生們,你們在家也別忘留意衛生、勤洗手,多多刷牙漱口喔! Is there a more environmentally friendly...

The Quality of Care Provided by Staffs
在疫情嚴峻時刻,人類發揮團結合作精神,共同堅守社交距離來保護家園。奎山學生養育的植栽,雖然在沒有口罩與酒精的防備下緊貼著彼此生活,卻有師長們的關愛,透過每天定時澆水與查照,希望他們的生命力也能旺盛蓬勃。 At the moment when the epidemic is...

G5 Documentary Film: Character Analysis
We are currently working through our Who we are unit of inquiry (UOI) in fifth grade. The central idea for this UOI is Beliefs, values,...

G2 Recycling Plant Field Trip
Central idea: We have the responsibility to maintain the earth’s natural resources. 在5/3的早上,G2 帶著期待又緊張的心情來到木柵焚化爐。一下車,我們就聞到陣陣的垃圾味,我們很確定這是我...