SY113 奎山運動聯賽- 樂樂棒PYP決賽
今日,小學樂樂棒球運動項目決賽在冷冽的天氣中如期舉行。雖然寒風陣陣,但現場的熱情絲毫不減,學生們的高昂士氣與觀眾的加油聲交織成一幅熱血沸騰的畫面。 比賽在下午2:40正式開始,首先登場是季軍賽,參賽的兩支隊伍分別是馬林魚與紅襪隊。開賽前,場邊已經聚滿了為選手們打氣的同學。他...

G5 visits G9 Science Fair & G10 Personal Project (Winter Festival)
On New Year's Eve, our fifth graders visited the G9 Science Fair booths and G10 Personal Project stalls, which offered a variety of...

G2-G5 Chapel & Bible verse recitation
Monthly Chapel is a special & important event for Kuei Shan students and teachers. It reminds us the value of loving yourself.

Chapel : Love in Action
Today's Chapel was related to Earth Day, which takes place on 22 April every year. Sustainable Goals are what Kuei Shan Students care...

No Food Waste Challenge
Theme: Sharing the planet Central idea: We have the responsibility to maintain our natural resources. Background The No Food Waste...

G1-G5 Chapel & Bible verse recitation
Monthly Chapel is a special & important event for Kuei Shan students and teachers, it reminds us the value of keeping hope in mind. We...

G1 Donates to Church to Help Ukraine
Love one another as I have loved you. Walk in the way of Love. Today, Kuei Shan invited Ms.K to do presentation for 1st graders. This...

SY111 G1注音符號闖關活動
Unit 2: Sports is a way of expressing our confidence, mental well-being and sense of community. 第二單元:運動是表達自信,身心健康及社區意識的一種方式。 Theme:How We...

2022 Thanksgiving Chapel
On Thanksgiving Day, PYP students gathered to celebrate by grade level. Students shared what they are thankful for and indeed there are...