2023 Chinese Language Day Celebration
很開心今年中文老師們和學生們分享「國際中文日」!各年級的小朋友分享一些簡單的語詞給外籍老師,如「請」、「謝謝」、「對不起」。一整天裡,班長及副班長也在每堂課說「起立、立正、敬禮」,讓任教老師感受中華文化的「尊師重道」。 其中,四年級的小朋友化身為小小中文老師,透過聽說讀寫教...

2023 World Book Day Celebration_ Reading Outdoors & Reading Buddies
23 April is World Book and Copyright Day, which is an annual event celebrated around the world. Kuei Shan held activities as well.We are...

2023 World Book Day Celebration_G1 Book Character Parade
Central Idea: Who we are: Knowing other people’s life stories helps me know myself. 23 April is World Book and Copyright Day, which is an...

G2 PE: Different Ways of Hitting and Striking
During the first unit of our PE classes for the second semester we have been working on hitting and striking. At the beginning we worked...

Easter Chapel: Jesus comes alive!
The Life after death is glamour glory. Everyday, when we make mistakes, face frustration and show weakness, it is kind of dying. However,...

G4 IM Project: PACK Animal Rescue visit to Kuei Shan
It's a cold rainy day, but Kuei Shan PYP students are hot-blooded than ever. Today, we invited PACK 巴克幫 , the nonprofit charity that PYP...

Celebrating World Poetry Day
Poetry speaks to common humanity and shared values, having its importance toward the world.That's why UNESCO adopted 21 March as World...

G2 Math : Inquiring into Shapes
Approaches to Learning (ATLs): self-management, social, thinking Learner Profile: thinker, communicator Recently in math, we have been...