Kindergarten: Summer fruits on campus
What's wrapped in paper towels? Fruits in season are falling down! Our K learners picked up bell fruit and mango from the ground to help...
Easter Chapel: Jesus comes alive!
The Life after death is glamour glory. Everyday, when we make mistakes, face frustration and show weakness, it is kind of dying. However,...
G4 IM Project: PACK Animal Rescue visit to Kuei Shan
It's a cold rainy day, but Kuei Shan PYP students are hot-blooded than ever. Today, we invited PACK 巴克幫 , the nonprofit charity that PYP...
PYP Chapel : More Good Days!
Students are back in Kuei Shan, ready to kick-start new semester with full of energy and creativity! During praise and worship, students...
中心思想:我們都有創造力,且我們能用多種方式表達它。 要完成一齣故事中心的演出,需要具備什麼?要演什麼、如何呈現?穿什麼拿什麼?要怎麼把我們的教室變成一座可以演出舞台呢? 在這個單元裡,中班的孩子們自己編創戲劇的結尾;討論如何使用樂器呈現慶祝會歡樂的氣氛;使用福祿貝爾恩物自...
SY111 Winter Festival - PYP Learning Fair
Theme: An abundance of blessings and good works 多得恩惠 多行善事 Scripture: And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at...
2022 Thanksgiving Chapel
On Thanksgiving Day, PYP students gathered to celebrate by grade level. Students shared what they are thankful for and indeed there are...
2022 PYP Sports Day
On a lovely Saturday morning, these young fighters all walked in to the school with joyful rhythm and smiley faces. Because they know...
K: HTWW-五隻小小鳥故事中心
中心思想:探索人類和動物間的關係,能幫助我們了解彼此都是相互連結的。 在「世界是如何運作-五隻小小鳥故事中心」的單元裡,藉由五隻小小鳥的故事,讓孩子們自由想像故事的結局,並且思考當有人類幫助小鳥時,又會有怎樣不同的結局。孩子們在討論過程中省思到人類跟動物是緊密關聯的,例如:...
PK: If I lose my sense of sight, how to experience the world
What would happen if we did not have a sense of sight? Would we know where to go? Would we know where to put Mr. Potato's eyes and ears?...