G2 English: Feelings and Emotions
How We Express Ourselves: English UOI (Unit 3)
Central Idea:
People use their bodies in many different ways to communicate their feelings and emotions and develop good relationships.
Lines of Inquiry:
How we express our feelings and emotions, ways different cultures express their feelings and emotions, language barriers, and body language, how body language can develop good relationships
Key Concepts: form, connection, perspective
For our third unit, our Grade 2 students inquired about how their own feelings and emotions affect themselves and others, especially their classmates/teachers and their families. For tuning in, they explored different words (positive and negative) they can use to talk about how they are feeling. During the beginning stages of the unit, students kept a feelings journal to explore this idea in more detail by writing and drawing pictures.
For their summative assessment, students chose from their Feelings Journal one situation and showed how a negative experience can be handled positively by drawing a comic strip.
