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Ancient Structure 3D Model


  1. 3D研究模型 :學生決定一個特定的古建築/遺跡,利用創意重現它的三維模型。

  2. 信息化的寫作(PPT)是另一評量重點,包括它是如何消失,它是如何被發現,科學家是如何發現在過去發生了什麼,與此相關的任何文明的奧秘都被涵蓋其中 ,接著學生思考如何在這探究的過程中,歷史在過去的影響,以及我們現在可以從過去學習那些成功與錯誤的經驗。

  3. 除了三維模型及投影片之外,口頭報告也是評估重點,不論是角色扮演重現過去的人類生活方式或是用生動活潑的方式介紹,希望孩子們都能自信的將所學呈現給觀眾。

Ancient Structure: Stonehenge

  • 6224張舒涵 Samantha Chang

  • 6207 康睿洋 Ray Kang

  • 6210謝睿軒 Jersey Hsieh

  • 6227孫巧凌 Monica Sun

  • Location

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, 3 km west of Amesbury and 8 miles (13 km) north of Salisbury.

  • Why did people build it?

The stones at Stonehenge stand in several important positions and seems to be used to indicate the moonrise in the summer solstice position. And from the opposite direction is just the winter solstice sunset position. In addition to the sun, the moon's setting point seems to have been noted. However, the movement of the moon is not the same as the sun year after year, it has a 19-year lunar cycle.

  • Legend

The legendary Salisbury Plain was originally home to a group of good giants, their favorite activity is standing hand in hand surrounded by a circle singing and dancing. Their joy and antics, bring a lot of joy for the people. However, there was no warning at that moment. The giants suddenly became rigid boulder, their dancing action also frozen in time. These have become a standing boulders on the plains. There was a period of time, people believed this story, because from a certain point of view, the group of boulders, is consistent with the image of giants holding hands..

  • 位置


  • 意義


  • 巨人傳說


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