Help Nepal
Theme: How we organize ourselves Central idea: Money is a human-made system that helps value goods and services." The fourth grade...
Technology guides us
"Technology can guide our understanding of the world," this was the central idea that our fifth graders explored into in the beginning of...
Goods and Services: A Reflection
Because the central idea of the unit is "Money is a human-made system that helps value goods and services," our summative assessment was...
世界如何運作: 未來家庭
中心思想: 科技將引導我們理解社會的進步,科技也影響了這個宇宙。 隨著時間的流逝,地球已經到了二十一世紀末。人類的科技也跨入新的紀元。家庭主婦不用再辛苦的做家事,郵差運送貨物也方便多了。醫學科技更是突飛猛進,醫院裡多了「機器人醫師」。 有了這些新科技,生活變得更便利。...
Money, Money, Money
在第四單元「How we organize ourselves」議題:「Money is a human-made system that helps value goods and services. 」的探究中,孩子們首先從錢幣的外觀(Form)、制度(Form)、兌換...
Information Report: The Skeletal System
"Humans are an intricate system that needs care." During the fifth graders' second unit, they inquired into the nature of the self and...
Information Report: Earth and the Moon
As the fourth grade students explored the theme "Where we are in place and time," they inquired into Earth's orientation in space and how...
新詩: 心情組曲 (on human emotions)
中心思想: 人體是需要照顧的複雜的系統。 我內心的春夏秋冬 Justin Lee 李貞浩, 五年級 當我平靜時, 像春天的微風, 在山林間穿梭。 當我開心時, 像夏天的金針花, 在山坡上盡情綻放。 當我悲傷時, 像秋天的枯樹, 在冷風中顫抖。 當我發怒時, 像冬天的暴雪,...
七個硬幣挑戰 (Seven Penny Challenge)
SY104 Life Appreciation Show
Kindness. One of the nine “Fruits of the Spirit.” What is kindness, and why is it such an important lesson for us to learn? In fact,...