G5 Cucumber Harvest
今年五年級學生種植小黃瓜,從種子一天一點的照顧,終於收成,親自動手製作出美味可口的涼拌小黃瓜。奎山的大自然人文省思,再次透過學生們親手種、親自照顧到親口吃進嘴裡,了解到天氣變化影響了種植,也知道一切得來不易,最後享受成果的甜美滋味。 This Year, Grade 5...
In the Mountain - G3 Visual Arts Exhibition
The third grade students celebrated their visual arts learning through an exhibition showcasing new research skills they learned -...
奎山經典 : 五年級養雞! Raising Chickens in Campus
G4 Teams up with Taiwan Red Cross
In grade 4 this week, we have been working on our Covid-19 presentations to talk about our Run-a-Thon Fundraiser. We have connected with...
Bilingual Speech Presentation
Central idea: Media has the power to influence our perspective and the choices we make. As part of our "How we express ourselves" unit of...
Winter Festival 2019
Winter Festival Fundraising and Learning Fair December 20th, 2019 The entire Kuei Shan community enjoyed an afternoon of food, games,...
Performance of Praise 2019
Kuei Shan Performance of Praise 2019 奎山學校 108 學年度PYP藝術展 December 20, 2019 We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19...
隨著2030年成為雙語國家的願景,台灣中小學動起來,除了雙語教學,不同系統的國際教育也來台叩門,重視探究、全人的IB(國際文憑 International Baccalaureate)課程也將不再是私立或國際學校的專利。IB 到底是一套怎樣的課程架構?怎樣的學校比較適合申請...
G4 Earth and Space Science
In grade 4, we have been investigating the solar system and its origins. Our central idea is: Earth is part of a vast and mysterious...