G5 Documentary Film: Character Analysis
We are currently working through our Who we are unit of inquiry (UOI) in fifth grade. The central idea for this UOI is Beliefs, values,...
Problem Solving : G5 Building Chicken Coop
G5 Inquiry : How Does Media Influence People
佳音電台主持人-佟建隆先生蒞校演講(3/9) 為配合五年級第三單元的主題「如何表達自己」,以及讓學生探究「媒體對我們的影響」,因此很榮幸能邀請到佳音電台主持-佟建隆先生蒞臨學校演講。 佟先生以深入淺出的方式,一步一步帶領孩子進入廣播的世界,從廣播的演變到發展,還有一一介紹時...
童軍學習營 Scouting Day
奎山實驗高級中等學校童軍學習營於4/16 舉行,童軍學習營作為童軍課程的延伸,結合探究行動,差異化之活動設計讓全校從幼兒園至十年級學生及全校教職員參與其中,強化發展樂觀態度、正向價值、領導者風範與團隊合作。整體活動規劃有四面向:小隊團體生活、教育專案(包括童軍工程與實地探究...
G4 Visual Arts - Fabric Collage
Unit 1 Who we are Fabric Collage: Creative Process; Elements of Art Central Idea: We make decisions in using colors and compositions to...
G4 How we express ourselves : Creative Arts Exploration
這次四年級在UOI第三單元「How we express ourselves」裡學習不同的藝術創作會帶來不同的影響力,就如同中心思想「People use creative arts to influence other people’s...
Analyzing an animated short
Theme: How we express ourselves Central idea: People use creative arts to influence other people's perspectives. Most kids who watch...
G5 How We Organize Ourselves: Social System
The central idea for our current unit is "Governments and institutions are built to manage and ensure society's stability." With regards...
G5 V-Art Exhibition: because I want to, I want to because…
Fifth Grade Visual Art Artist’s Book Exhibition January 4—8, 2021 PYP Library because I want to, I want to because… is an artist’s book...
2020 Kuei Shan PYP Performance of Praise
Performance of Praise 2020 just ended last month. PYP students all did their best on the stage, passing all the wonderful messages full...