Performance of Praise 2021 - Moses and the Great Escape
出埃及記14:13-14 「不要懼怕,只管站住!......耶和華必為你們爭戰; 你們只管靜默,不要作聲。」 Exodus 14:13-14 “Do not be afraid. Stand firm …… The LORD will fight for you; you...
「你覺得成功是什麼?」 「你覺得努力重要還是方向重要?」 「為了達到目標,你願意付出什麼努力?」 在這一單元,我們課文圍繞著成功的故事,探索了許多人物的成功之路,並且一同討論成功的「關鍵」是什麼。學生一邊學習,一邊思考屬於每個人不同的成功。他們藉由夢想雜貨店海報、未來設計,...
G4: Earth, the planet we are striving to understand
Grade 4 Unit 2 Where we are in place and time Central Idea: Earth is part of a vast and mysterious universe that we are continually...
Our first virtual Music Exhibition
In June 2021, PYP students created their first virtual Music Exhibition. Please click PYP Music Performances 2021 to enjoy these...
Our first virtual Visual Arts Exhibition
In June 2021, PYP students created their first virtual Visual Arts Exhibition. Please click PYP Arts Exhibition 2021 to view these...
National Day Celebration 2021
Each year, in addition to looking forward to an often long weekend, Kuei Shan proudly presents the National Day (Double-Ten Day)...
They shall run, and not be weary.
在澆水的過程中,難免看到嬌嫩的植物因為酷暑蛻去了好幾張的皮,但也看到堅韌的小草反而蹦出土壤。隨著澆水漸漸步上樓,會發現風景有所不同。求學的路也是如此,人生隨著歷練讓年歲漸增時,眼界更廣。 若學校的定義是學生與老師教與學的場所,那麼,現在透過線上平台的教學方式,你心中對學校的...
A Plentiful Harvest: Nature's Balance and Harmony
有沒有比吹冷氣更環保的消暑方式?有的!那就是泡在冷水澡盆裡。別擔心,奎山老師們有在省水原則下,幫植物換水,保持他們的身體清潔。奎山學生們,你們在家也別忘留意衛生、勤洗手,多多刷牙漱口喔! Is there a more environmentally friendly...
The Quality of Care Provided by Staffs
在疫情嚴峻時刻,人類發揮團結合作精神,共同堅守社交距離來保護家園。奎山學生養育的植栽,雖然在沒有口罩與酒精的防備下緊貼著彼此生活,卻有師長們的關愛,透過每天定時澆水與查照,希望他們的生命力也能旺盛蓬勃。 At the moment when the epidemic is...