The fifth graders are inquiring into the influence of the media on the public. They invited a radio host, Mr. Tong, as a guest speaker to...
Fifth graders visit G10 PP Exhibition
The fifth graders spent a productive time actively listening to the G10 big brothers and sisters’ Personal Project. They took notes on...
Grade 5 Media Survey
We have been learning about different forms of media in grade 5. To better understand what types of media are popular amongst students,...
Grade 4 : Hydroponic Garden
As part of our Where We Are in Space and Time unit, Grade 4 students created a hydroponics garden as part of an investigation into living...
Winter Camp 2022
寒期課程營在充滿春節氣氛環境下,熱情展開! 為期五天的營隊中,學生有機會體驗古早味童玩的樂趣、一品傳統糕點的美味,以及一展書法與剪紙的功力。 多元活潑的課程,也讓學生感同身受視障者的挑戰,而以電路學為基礎製造的紙板吉他,更是有趣! Please enjoy the...
SY110 PYP Lantern Festival
在這學期的開學第一天,所有PYP學生仍舊沉浸在中國新年的喜悅裡,為了迎接三天後元宵節的到來,我們舉辦了「猜燈謎,慶元宵」的活動。 早上,所有的中文老師帶著學生著手布置教室和活動會場,一盞盞美麗的花燈與一張張充滿智慧的燈謎,讓校園更加美麗!...
Who We Are: Health and Fitness
Central Idea: Having self-belief and perseverance towards set goals can help achieve a healthy lifestyle. Line of Inquiry: How...
G5 Music: Moses--Stand Alone -- Who We Are
Central Idea-- We use music, drama, and visual arts to express our belief. Key Concept--Change (改變);Causation (因果關係) 出埃及記14:13-14...
G5 Visual Arts - Unit 1: Where we are in Place and Time
Central idea: Exploring fashion in history inspires the way people decorate and dress. Learning experience: Students are learning about...
G5 探究歷史:參訪博物館
第二單元的中心思想為「透過對地球表面的研究可以發現古代的歷史。」 我們到了十三行博物館學習,從導覽詳細的介紹十三行人的生活起居,到我們自己在十三行公園體驗十三行人的干欄式建築和砂土挖礦。這些過程,讓我們發現原來過去人類的生活與我們有天壤之別的差異。除了獲取新知,我們也把這份...