SY112 G1+G5 注音符號闖關活動 Chinese Phonics Activity
五年級學長姐為擔任細心又活潑的關主,一年級學弟妹是積極有富冒險精神的闖關者,成就此學習交流圓滿落幕! 多元有趣的活動與道具,都由五年級學生精心設計而成,他們耐心地引導一年級學生口說與書寫,循循善誘,讓這群小學新生能放膽又虛心地從『玩』中『學』。
2023 Sports Day
Each smiley face lit up the day, every happy rhythm blew away the stress. These young warriors were so ready and excited to emabrace...
G1-G5 Chapel: Sportsmanship
Sports Day is coming and we're all excited about it! There are 2 essential elements to build a character as "Being a good sport", which...
2023 National Day Celebration
Celebrating National Day (Double-Ten Day) , is always a tradition of Taipei Kuei Shan School. This year, we had a variety of programs,...
G1-G5 Chapel & Bible verse recitation
Monthly Chapel is a special & important event for Kuei Shan students and teachers, it reminds us the value of keeping hope in mind. We...
2023-2024 G1-G5 Opening Ceremony
The Central Idea of being a memeber of Kuei Shan Community : Servant Leadership,and it requires 3 IB Learner Profile : Principled,...
G2 Chinese Reading/Writing Workshop
透過讀寫工作坊第三單元Anchor Chart,我們閱讀300字小故事,練習分析角色、文本內容和圖片。並以「寫信」的方式,以作者的角度,介紹每一篇故事。
G1 Chinese Culture : 媽媽,謝謝您的照顧!
5月的來臨,一首遊子吟來歌頌母愛的偉大,孩子們透過吟唱,了解詩中慈母為兒子趕製衣服, 而母親手 中的線,變成了兒子身上的衣服,「線」和「衣」把母子二人的心緊緊地連繫一起,孩子們邊吟唱邊了解詩人將母愛由抽象的感情具體地表現出來。...
G1 Chinese: 學習有關螢火蟲的一切
G2 IM Project: Reuse the Refuse
As a citizen of globalization, International Mindedness is an essential ability required. Followed by a visit to Beitou Refuse...