2022 Thanksgiving Chapel
On Thanksgiving Day, PYP students gathered to celebrate by grade level. Students shared what they are thankful for and indeed there are...
G2 VA : 抽象畫之父康定斯基
Grade Two Visual Art WWA 抽象畫之父康定斯基 在這單元中,我們使用基本形狀(如圓形、三角形和矩形)創建一個超級簡單的抽象藝術作品,這些形狀相互重疊以創建新的抽象形狀。然後,我們用不同的顏色填充每個形狀。 塗鴉繪畫藝術
2022 PYP Sports Day
On a lovely Saturday morning, these young fighters all walked in to the school with joyful rhythm and smiley faces. Because they know...
G2 Music 吹奏直笛:練習氣息與指頭的完美配合
中心探究思想:那些「探索激勵我們的人」,並不斷思考「如何把笛子吹得優美」。 這一陣子,我們正努力學習直笛。四個氣孔、四種指法,分別是G,A,B,D這四個音。看似簡單,卻需要穩定的氣息和靈巧的指頭,才能順利完成一首歌曲。我們已經學了[瑪莉的小羊]、[輕輕聽]以及[耶穌愛我],...
G3 Math-Subtraction Up to 10,000
The Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach uses physical and visual aids to help students learn abstract topics. This approach...
G1-G5 Chapel : Sportsmanship
Sports Day is coming and we're all excited about it! Through a lot of training and practice, we might still struggle, fail and lose....
Decision-making in G3 gardening
"What's the best material to secure our garden bed?" The third graders did research on different materials used by others and weighed the...
G3: Presenting the IB learner profiles and 3 Be's guide
Here we are reviewing our learner profile. The goal here was to read examples of each learner profile and match the text with the heading....
National Day Celebration
Celebrating National Day (Double-Ten Day) , is always a tradition of Taipei Kuei Shan School. This year, we had a variety of programs,...
G2: Science (Planting Focus)
Approaches to Learning (ATLs): self-management, thinking, research Learner Profile: inquirer, thinker, communicator, risk taker As hinted...