2022-2023 G1-G5 Opening Ceremony
The PYP opening ceremony created a welcoming atmosphere to students new to Kuei Shan, as well as an inviting time to returning students...
Save Water through Exchange
Water is important in our daily life and we need to take care of it. Our Kindergarten classes organized a flea market where kids...
G2 Collaboration time!
Nothing beats interacting and learning together in-person, where we can develop certain communication, social, self-management, and...
The fifth graders are inquiring into the influence of the media on the public. They invited a radio host, Mr. Tong, as a guest speaker to...
Goodbye, broccoli... hello carrots!
The third graders enjoyed the fruit of their labor, as the classes harvested, cooked and feasted on their broccoli plants. Now, it’s time...
G4 記敘文創作:我的課後休閒時光
在第四單元主題:我們如何組織自己,教師引導學生從接觸各種不同課後的休閒活動, 讓學生了解活動的多元化,並且知道休閒活動與金錢之間的關係,以及如何善於安排應用時間,來充實自己的生活。 同時學生將學習做讀書筆記不但可儲存寫作的資料,還可以促進思考,增進知識,能明白語詞運用的...
G2 讀寫工作坊: 創作科學文本三折頁
Grade 5 Media Survey
We have been learning about different forms of media in grade 5. To better understand what types of media are popular amongst students,...