G2 PE: Different Ways of Hitting and Striking
During the first unit of our PE classes for the second semester we have been working on hitting and striking. At the beginning we worked...
Easter Chapel: Jesus comes alive!
The Life after death is glamour glory. Everyday, when we make mistakes, face frustration and show weakness, it is kind of dying. However,...
G4 IM Project: PACK Animal Rescue visit to Kuei Shan
It's a cold rainy day, but Kuei Shan PYP students are hot-blooded than ever. Today, we invited PACK 巴克幫 , the nonprofit charity that PYP...
Celebrating World Poetry Day
Poetry speaks to common humanity and shared values, having its importance toward the world.That's why UNESCO adopted 21 March as World...
G2 Math : Inquiring into Shapes
Approaches to Learning (ATLs): self-management, social, thinking Learner Profile: thinker, communicator Recently in math, we have been...
G2 Chinese : 詩歌探究與創作
這一學期,我們開始學習「弟子規」。從「總敘」開始,先與同學查字典,找出文本中正確的讀音和字義,再試著用找到的資訊,將古文轉譯成白話文,表達文本想傳達的意思。 這是一個很好的開始,因為我們正在用「古詩文」幫助學生建構正確的學習態度與合宜的道德倫理觀。...
PYP Chapel : More Good Days!
Students are back in Kuei Shan, ready to kick-start new semester with full of energy and creativity! During praise and worship, students...
G1- Chinese Culture : 創作自己的小童詩
G3 Visual Arts: Symbolic Collage
Central idea: Family culture and values have an important impact on who we are. Unit: Who we are Project: Symbolic collage Activity...
SY111 G1注音符號闖關活動
Unit 2: Sports is a way of expressing our confidence, mental well-being and sense of community. 第二單元:運動是表達自信,身心健康及社區意識的一種方式。 Theme:How We...