2024-2025 G1-G5 Opening Ceremony
The PYP opening ceremony creates a welcoming atmosphere to our first graders, as well as students new to Kuei Shan. It was also an...
Grade 2 Field Trip
This week in Grade 2, learners were hard at work on their Unit 6 Summative Assessment, which was completed in 3 parts. First, they...
G3- Exploring History at the Evergreen Maritime Museum: A Journey Through Time
Today, our third-graders embarked on an exciting field trip to the Evergreen Maritime Museum in Taipei, directly connecting to our Unit...
2024 May Chapel Worship & Guidance Time
John 14:15 "If you love me, obey my commandments." Acts 22:16 "What are you waiting for? Get up and be baptized.Have your sins washed...
G2 Natural Resources Research Presentation
A vibrant display of individual projects were completed in Grade 2 in response to our Sharing The Planet unit: We have the responsibility...
PYP visits G10 Exhibition
10th graders demonstrate their hard work through a variety of creative/thoughtful art pieces. We are glad that G4 and G5 students had...
G3 Lettuce Planting and Harvest
Growing plants is a great way to teach young students responsibility and for them to experience the benefits of hard work first-hand. We...
G4 Fundraising Project for the Homeless
In response to their understanding of the central idea,"Money is a human-made system that helps value goods and services.", the fourth...
幼小銜接不僅僅是孩子的課程,也是家長們的課題。 透過小學教學團隊的介紹,從品格教育到教學活動,還有生活的細節與對孩子的期待等,方方面面,細細的與在場的家長們娓娓道出,使家長們深入理解奎山使命宣言「T.R.U.T.H.」的意涵;看到奎山團隊在教學上的豐富與創新;認識奎山師生如...
G1 Chinese Culture : 遊子吟道出母愛的偉大