The fifth graders are inquiring into the influence of the media on the public. They invited a radio host, Mr. Tong, as a guest speaker to...
Fifth graders visit G10 PP Exhibition
The fifth graders spent a productive time actively listening to the G10 big brothers and sisters’ Personal Project. They took notes on...
Winter Camp 2022
寒期課程營在充滿春節氣氛環境下,熱情展開! 為期五天的營隊中,學生有機會體驗古早味童玩的樂趣、一品傳統糕點的美味,以及一展書法與剪紙的功力。 多元活潑的課程,也讓學生感同身受視障者的挑戰,而以電路學為基礎製造的紙板吉他,更是有趣! Please enjoy the...
G5 Music: Moses--Stand Alone -- Who We Are
Central Idea-- We use music, drama, and visual arts to express our belief. Key Concept--Change (改變);Causation (因果關係) 出埃及記14:13-14...
Performance of Praise 2021 - Moses and the Great Escape
出埃及記14:13-14 「不要懼怕,只管站住!......耶和華必為你們爭戰; 你們只管靜默,不要作聲。」 Exodus 14:13-14 “Do not be afraid. Stand firm …… The LORD will fight for you; you...
G5 Inquiry : How Does Media Influence People
佳音電台主持人-佟建隆先生蒞校演講(3/9) 為配合五年級第三單元的主題「如何表達自己」,以及讓學生探究「媒體對我們的影響」,因此很榮幸能邀請到佳音電台主持-佟建隆先生蒞臨學校演講。 佟先生以深入淺出的方式,一步一步帶領孩子進入廣播的世界,從廣播的演變到發展,還有一一介紹時...
G3 Korean and Japanese Culture Assembly
On March 5, 2021, Kuei Shan’s grade three students learned about Korean and Japanese culture from parents in our school community who are...
G2 UOI : Tea Picking Experience
Grade 2 got the exciting opportunity to experience tea picking. This wonderful experience integrates into our two units: Where we are in...
童軍學習營 Scouting Day
奎山實驗高級中等學校童軍學習營於4/16 舉行,童軍學習營作為童軍課程的延伸,結合探究行動,差異化之活動設計讓全校從幼兒園至十年級學生及全校教職員參與其中,強化發展樂觀態度、正向價值、領導者風範與團隊合作。整體活動規劃有四面向:小隊團體生活、教育專案(包括童軍工程與實地探究...