International School of Portland visit and cultural experience
Welcome these amazing fifth graders! During their 4-day-stay in Kuei Shan, there's no doubt that they are going to make a lot of friends,...
中心思想:我們都有創造力,且我們能用多種方式表達它。 要完成一齣故事中心的演出,需要具備什麼?要演什麼、如何呈現?穿什麼拿什麼?要怎麼把我們的教室變成一座可以演出舞台呢? 在這個單元裡,中班的孩子們自己編創戲劇的結尾;討論如何使用樂器呈現慶祝會歡樂的氣氛;使用福祿貝爾恩物自...
SY111 Winter Festival - PYP Learning Fair
Theme: An abundance of blessings and good works 多得恩惠 多行善事 Scripture: And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at...
2022 Thanksgiving Chapel
On Thanksgiving Day, PYP students gathered to celebrate by grade level. Students shared what they are thankful for and indeed there are...
2022 PYP Sports Day
On a lovely Saturday morning, these young fighters all walked in to the school with joyful rhythm and smiley faces. Because they know...
Kindergarten: 歡慶雙十國慶
歡慶雙十國慶 Ten-Ten Day Ten-Ten Day We love Taiwan Say Hur-ray Ten-Ten Day Ten-Ten Day God bless Taiwan this I Pray...
National Day Celebration
Celebrating National Day (Double-Ten Day) , is always a tradition of Taipei Kuei Shan School. This year, we had a variety of programs,...
G2-G5 Bible verse recitation & chapel
One of the learning highlights in Kuei Shan School, is definitely Bible education. With kind & holistic spirits , students explore and...
Back to school, inquiry is cool!
We are proud of our students! On their first day back to school, guided by teachers, their curiosity and lens of observation resulted in...
2022-2023 G1-G5 Opening Ceremony
The PYP opening ceremony created a welcoming atmosphere to students new to Kuei Shan, as well as an inviting time to returning students...