G2 Gourmet Sharing Station
想讀通美食文章,「實際做一次」就對了!在課堂注入活水,認識課文也訓練「動手能力 」和「口語表達能力」!國語探究課不願僅僅「紙上談兵」,讓孩子唸唸課文便作罷,因 此安排了美食海報分享活動。 二年級的小朋友們利用假日或閒暇的晚上,在大人的陪同下親自下廚一次或是查各式各樣...
2020 Kuei Shan PYP Performance of Praise
Performance of Praise 2020 just ended last month. PYP students all did their best on the stage, passing all the wonderful messages full...
G2 Inquiry into light & Puppet show
Our second Unit of Inquiry, How the World Works, had a strong science focus. The Central Idea was “Light comes from different sources and...
In the Mountain - G3 Visual Arts Exhibition
The third grade students celebrated their visual arts learning through an exhibition showcasing new research skills they learned -...
Importance of Cooperation
Theme: How We Organise Ourselves Central idea: Cooperation is essential to achieve team goals. As part of the process-focused unit of...
Understanding Migration
The grade 2’s have had an exciting time learning about their Central Idea: Throughout history, living things have adapted to changes in...
Caring in many ways
Click on the book cover to read the student's story Our summative assessment for this unit, Who we are, required students to write a...
Winter Festival 2019
Winter Festival Fundraising and Learning Fair December 20th, 2019 The entire Kuei Shan community enjoyed an afternoon of food, games,...
Performance of Praise 2019
Kuei Shan Performance of Praise 2019 奎山學校 108 學年度PYP藝術展 December 20, 2019 We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19...