How does the world work?
Have you ever wondered how the world works and how important light is to our daily lives? Can you imagine a day without light or...
七個硬幣挑戰 (Seven Penny Challenge)
SY104 Life Appreciation Show
Kindness. One of the nine “Fruits of the Spirit.” What is kindness, and why is it such an important lesson for us to learn? In fact,...
Who inspires us?
2015年10月15日是個晴空萬里的好日子,這一天,二年級的學生們來到了朱銘美術館。 為什麼要來到朱銘美術館呢?原來學生們是要來參觀朱銘爺爺所建造的夢公園!在第一單元裡,我們的中心思想是「Exploring heroes in history can inspire us...