Grow, Plants, Grow!
First Grade has a green thumb! The central idea for our unit on How the world works is “Plants have specific needs that must be met in...

Agape Love - Life Appreciation Show 2016
What a wonderful way to wrap up 2016! The theme for the show this year was “Agape Love.” Agape is the Greek work for God’s perfect,...

The Beauty of Taiwan
Theme: Where we are in place and time Central Idea: Exploring our place in the world helps us understand the beauty around us. In this...

第二單元主題:我們身處的時空 中心思想:探索我們的世界,將有助於我們了解生活周遭人事物的美。 探究線: 學習探究和發現 認識生活周遭的動植物 發現台灣有名的地方與美食 總結性評量:臺灣旅遊小書 在第二單元中,透過繪本「我的台北」,讓學生們認識我們居住的城市-臺北市,繪本中鮮...

I'm a Little Seed
As the first graders have learned how plants have specific needs in order to survive and grow healthy, they also began to learn how to...

We Love Taiwan!
First grade students learned more about the treasures of our beloved country, Taiwan, as they explored the central idea "Exploring our...

七個硬幣挑戰 (Seven Penny Challenge)

SY104 Life Appreciation Show
Kindness. One of the nine “Fruits of the Spirit.” What is kindness, and why is it such an important lesson for us to learn? In fact,...

你準備好上小一了嗎 ?
Summative assessment task: Students worked together in groups to create a poster, illustrating a place of their choosing and stating the...