PYP Learning Fair 2017
Taipei Kuei Shan students from Kindergarten to Grade 5 launched their very first Learning Fair! Students bravely showcased their gifts...
Chapel Time!
We praise and thank the Lord for this wonderful opportunity to open another avenue for Kuei Shan students to learn more about God and His...
How We Organize Ourselves In Kuei Shan School
Every year, a group of young kids enter this new environment called Kuei Shan School where they start their journey of education. Like...
Kids and Water: Sharing the planet together
Kids know water. No doubt. Now the question would be: “What do kids know about water?” To find out, the teacher instructed the kids to...
Agape Love - Life Appreciation Show 2016
What a wonderful way to wrap up 2016! The theme for the show this year was “Agape Love.” Agape is the Greek work for God’s perfect,...
How the World Works: Of Animals and Humans
“How are people and animals related? How do they affect each other? How do people use animals as resources?”... These are but some of...
奎山校園: 開學了
Theme: How we organize ourselves Central idea: People's roles in the society change as they grow. 奎山校園探索 開學了!新的校園、新的環境、新的生活,新奇的一切,對孩子們來說都...
Kindergarten and the 6 + 1 Traits of Writing
Have you ever, when you were a student yourself, been assigned a writing assignment that seemed monumental and overwhelming? I’m assuming...
「咦?怎麼沒水了?」透過老師所安排的情境,孩子們體驗了無水可用的生活。沒有水該怎麼辦?為什麼會沒有水?隨著老師的提問,帶領孩子展開一連串的「水之旅」。 首先,當然是要解決無水可用的窘境。經過一番討論的歷程,有的班級決定每個孩子自己從家裡帶水來使用,有的班級選擇至校園的其他地...
SY104 Life Appreciation Show
Kindness. One of the nine “Fruits of the Spirit.” What is kindness, and why is it such an important lesson for us to learn? In fact,...