Fifth Graders’ Newest Challenge: The Exhibition!
The Exhibition is a culminating project which is done in the final year of the PYP. It’s a collaborative transdisciplinary inquiry...
Matthew 25 Challenge
Have you ever slept on the ground because you had no bed to sleep on? Have you ever worn the same clothes because those are the only...
6th Asia Pacific ENG-CHI Bilingual Festival
We are pleased to share our participation in the 6th Asia-Pacific Chinese-English Bilingual Festival, which took place from April 13-14,...
Promoting Bilingual Learning
“One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way” - Frank Smith As Kuei Shan further promotes...
PYP Learning Fair 2017
Taipei Kuei Shan students from Kindergarten to Grade 5 launched their very first Learning Fair! Students bravely showcased their gifts...
Chapel Time!
We praise and thank the Lord for this wonderful opportunity to open another avenue for Kuei Shan students to learn more about God and His...
It's Field Trip Time: The Post Office
對於一年級新鮮人來說,我們的第一個單元是「我們如何組織自己」,中心思想是「 規則和程序幫助我們創造出一個功能性的社會。」跟著這個中心思想,我們當然要來認識校園裡的各種辦公室,藉由辦公室老師的介紹,我們明白了不同的場所有不同的規則需要遵守,當然,還有各種校規我們也很認真學習喔...
Reader of the Month
Many exciting new changes, updates, and improvements have been going on at the PYP Library this school year! Not only are we in the...
Nepal Fundraising Project
Last school year 2016-2017, our third and fourth graders organized fundraising projects as part of their “How we organize ourselves”...
SY106 PYP New Parents Workshop
This year’s PYP new parents’ workshop was held on a Saturday, October 21st, 2017 from 10:00AM to 12:00PM. This workshop is in fulfillment...