新聞稿:2019年IB項目介紹研討會 IB Orientation Seminar in Taiwan
上週六 (2019.10.26) 本校榮幸地承辦了IB 亞太區首次在臺灣公開舉辦的「IB項目介紹研討會」(IB Orientation Seminar, Taiwan 2019),針對IB全球適用的課程架構及探究式概念驅動的教學模式,向遠至高雄來的各地區學校40多位來賓進行說明及分享。
有別於一般的IB工作坊,學校在提供場地之外,有四位資深教師應IB邀請與IB亞太區二位負責人共同發表及授課,顯示奎山的DP, MYP, & PYP課程與教學已達示範級數。
奎山108學年度家長會及學生會共襄盛舉 -- 家長會會長咸明薇女士、學生會會長黃楷華同學與吳正東校長共致歡迎詞,凸顯奎山社群對於IB理念的認同與支持。
學生會黃楷華、林忻澤、陳恩菱、李艾馨同學提供了接待及報到的服務,身體力行 "Serve one another, their community, Taiwan, and the world" (奎山學校使命宣言) 。家長會供應茶點,不僅將食物遞送至來賓手上,也將笑容、愛心及服務情懷傳遞至來賓心中。小點心上一面面的「奎」字旗,更是將奎山內斂的文化底蘊展揚出來,讓來賓對我們這所外界不甚了解的學校有主觀的體驗。
IB國際課程介紹研討會從9:30 a.m. 至5:00 p.m., 圓滿結束。
It was an honor for Kuei Shan to host the very first IB Orientation Seminar in Taiwan. 48 educators all over Taiwan came to attend the full-day event, representing schools interested in offering the IB programmes. IB regional director in the Asia Pacific, Mrs. Stephanie Leong, welcomed the congregation and delivered the opening remarks. It was a great success as participants gained relevant information and insights from the event's presenters. We hope to see IB grow in Taiwan and nurture more and more responsible global citizens who will "serve one another, their community, Taiwan, and the world" (from Kuei Shan mission statement). Special thanks to the PTA for preparing such a lovely feast!