Kindergarten- We have chance to grow our plant!
In this day and age, students are accustomed to watching Youtube videos, commanding home assistance technology to turn on music, and having anything set and ready before them at a fingertip. Things are more convenient and thus in the sense that no one needs to wait for long, and therefore participating in a gradual process of something from start to finish is rare in these young lives.
We want to give them something different-a whole experience to connect with nature. Each Kindergarten student got a chance to grow their plant. They participated in each step, from nailing holes on the bottom of the cans to harvesting the plants and enjoying them on dinner tables. Through this process, they not only learned about how to plant a seed, what plants need to live, what they look like, etc. But they practiced hand-eye coordination, took on the responsibility to water each day, watched them closely to notice the growth, waited patiently, took them home, and participated in making their harvest into a meal.
This project yielded not only yummy vegetables but more so a precious interaction between nature and the children! Their dances at harvest and their faces during that "school-grown" vegetable meal, you can be confident that it was well worth the hard work and patient waiting!
