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G5 V-Art Exhibition: because I want to, I want to because…

Fifth Grade Visual Art Artist’s Book Exhibition

January 4—8, 2021

PYP Library

because I want to, I want to because… is an artist’s book exhibition investigating ways we can make meaning through a book’s bookbinding method, order of content, paper color, size, cover, and title. Central idea : Art is a discipline that makes meaning through the manipulation of both material and immaterial subjects.Each aspect of the artist’s book was made with thoughtful intention, and student’s practiced expressing that intention through written and verbal explanation.

Throughout the artist’s book unit, grade five students learned to create books in bookbinding methods of single sheet zine fold, accordion book, and saddle stitch. Students filled the books with poetry using methods of haiku, blackout poems, and concrete poems. The original text to the student’s blackout poems were borrowed from literature works of Marilyn Chin, Joy Harjo, Jeff Kinney, and Judith Viorst.

Teachers and students were invited to gently browse the books on the upper platform, and explore the creation process on the lower platform. Here's a video recorded from the very beginning of curation ,and it also documented how students interact with the artworks.




because I want to, I want to because… 是五年級學生的藝術創作書籍展,旨在探究我們如何透過書籍裝訂、內容編排、封面設計、書名設定,甚至是紙的顏色與尺寸選用,來傳遞意義與對話。中心思想為:藝術是一種修煉,透過有形與無形的主題來呈現所欲傳達的價值。展覽中的每一本創作書籍都是五年級藝術家們經過深思熟慮的後產製的內容,也應用到所學的寫作與口語表達技巧。

在此教學單元中,五年級學生學習了如何用一張紙來摺出一本小誌,或是產製出「經摺裝圖書騎馬釘圖書」。學生多元使用俳句形式、拼貼詩形式與象形詩形式創作詩作。學生拼貼詩創作的出處源於Marilyn Chin、Joy Harjo、 Jeff Kinney 以及 Judith Viorst四位作家的文學作品。

這次受邀參觀展覽的對象為奎山全校師生。觀者在圖書館的閣樓展區中,可以輕柔地翻閱學生所創作的藝術書籍;在閣樓下方的展區,則能一覽學生的創作過程。下方的影片記錄了學生的策展過程,以及參觀學生與作品間的互動 :)

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