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G3 Field Trip Report: Cooperation is Essential

For Unit 4, our central idea was “Cooperation is essential to achieve team goals.” To contextualize this idea within a real-life environment, on March 30th, the Grade 3 community embarked on a trip to Leilang Extreme Exploration Park and Shihsanhang Cultural Park.

At Leilang Park, students worked in groups to complete various cooperative tasks. Students held connecting tubes in their hands to create a pathway for balls to pass and played group games such as Earthquake, a fast running game. Students (and parents) joined to compete in games of hand soccer. When disagreements broke out between students about the “best” strategy to play each game and students experienced frustration as they encountered setbacks, they learned firsthand that every player on the team is important to score. In the connecting tubes game, if one person did not hold their tube, the ball fell, and the team had to start over. The students adjusted themselves spatially and communicated their ideas so everyone on the team could play their part and feel valued. The grade three students were also challenged as they climbed the indoor climbing wall. Even when they felt like giving up, they pressed on and made one move after another.

At Shihsanhang Cultural Park, each of our nine parent volunteers played the role of game master as they led students to complete cooperative tasks, such as performing a three-legged race. Groups of students travelled from parent to parent, completing one game after another while collecting the game masters' signatures on their game card. The students and parents interacted joyfully and organically. At Kuei Shan, learning does not take place in a confined space; learning happens as stakeholders (students as game players, parents as game masters, and teachers as peacekeepers) come together to create an enriching learning community.

Afterward, students reflected on the experience through a poster and connected their learning to math where they made tally charts and bar graphs. Students remarked that they felt they had been risk-takers, because they tried so many new, exciting things. The most daunting tasks became their favorites in retrospect, because they realized they were capable of doing more than they imagined when they had the encouragement of their peers. Moreover, students wrote a brief report after interviewing each other about their field trip experience. Relationships continue to grow as students are united by their common experience. Cooperation is not easy, but is essential in life!


在雷朗園區,學生們成群結隊地完成各種合作任務,如:學生手中拿著連接管,創造傳球路徑 ; 也一同體驗快跑遊戲。另外,學生和家長更一起參加了手足球比賽。當學生就玩每局遊戲的“最佳”策略發生分歧,並感到挫折與沮喪時,他們會直接了解到團隊中的每位球員對於得分都很重要。在連接管比賽中,如果一個人沒有握住管,球就會掉落,球隊必須重新開始。學生在空間上進行了自我調整並傳達了他們的想法,這樣團隊中每個人都可以發揮自己的作用並感到有價值。學生在室內攀岩時也受到了挑戰,即使他們想要放棄,也要繼續一步步向前。



Up, up, up we go! 盡力往上爬!

Careful! Don’t let the ball drop! 小心,別讓球掉了!

Kick the ball, but keep your hands on the railing! 大力踢球吧!但是手不可以離開桿子喔

How should we untie our human knot? 要怎麼進行人體打結呢?!

Round and round we go 讓我們一同轉圈吧

Student work and reflections 學生的作品與反思

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