G2 : Who We Are- heroes around us
We started off second grade with the theme “Who we are”, focusing on heroes around us, and learning about what attributes and characteristics define heroes. Throughout the unit, students had the opportunity to learn about people who have made a difference through their words and actions, and what inspired them to act in courageous and selfless ways.
Students started off the unit by sharing what they considered a hero to be. Through the KWL chart, it was interesting to see things from different perspectives.
This unit focused on 4 people in modern times that have made an impact on society: Terry Fox, Malala, Stephen Hawking, and Martin Luther King, Jr. They all shared the learner profile attributes of being caring and a risk-taker. We learned how their actions have had a lasting influence and impact on society, and how they still affect us today.
With the teacher’s guidance, students also learned how to research about a topic and use the information to write a paragraph. They started by doing research on one of the heroes we focused on, Malala. From there, they learned to take the information and use it to write a short paragraph. Students first wrote a rough draft, then finished with the good copy. The short paragraph also allowed students to practice using the conventions from 6-traits of writing. Punctuation and capitalization were emphasized, and their grammar practice from our Reading and Writing Workshops came in useful.
Planting is an important part of Kuei Shan’s education philosophy. Students demonstrated their own caring learner profile attribute by caring for their basil plants. From planting the seeds to watering their plants daily, the grade 2 students took great pride in growing their plants successfully. Students volunteered to come in on the weekends to water their plants before deciding to make their own self-watering devices. Their planting success resulted in harvesting their basil, washing the leaves, and then making scrambled eggs and basil! Delicious!!