G2: Exploring heroes in history can inspire us
Who We Are: UOI Social Studies (Unit 1)
Central Idea: Exploring heroes in history can inspire us to be a good influence to the people around us.
Lines of Inquiry:
->What makes a hero
->How stories of significant people in time can inspire us
->Influencing our family, friends, and the community
Key Concepts: responsibility, change, causation
Approaches to Learning (ATLs): communication, thinking, research
Learner Profile: inquirer, thinker, communicator, risk taker
We are so excited to be back at school after our summer break! The first day of school was a rush of excitement and activities, but a good balance of remembering our school routines and learning the procedures and expectations of our new grade and new class. The students especially enjoyed their return to our wonderful outdoor area where they could feel the grass on their bare feet and play games with their new classmates and teachers!
In our first unit, our Grade 2 students tuned in and are now finding out all about heroes and how important heroes in history can inspire us to have a positive influence in the lives of others. For tuning in, students saw pictures and videos (without being told what they would see) about the Wright brothers and completed a visible thinking routine (what do they know about heroes and what do they want to know). The students have many interesting ideas already and are being strong inquirers by asking a lot of questions!

Though we are continuing teaching the Bible through various methods, this year we have a stronger focus in integrating the bible in our UOIs. Our first choice and “biblical hero” is Paul; we think he is a great example of someone who was both a risk taker and knowledgeable.

For our Kuei Shan traditions, students have almost all brought in their pots and soil to prepare for planting. They are excited to find out what they will plant and begin the process!
