G1 Expressing Ourselves Through Nature Art
隨者季節的變化,校園中的花、草、大樹也隨之顯出不同的姿色。這是神所創造的植物,有著千姿百態,是孩子學習最好的教材,引導孩子接近、觀察,最容易誘導出孩子創造的潛能。配合這次的單元How We Express Ourselves 的中心思想 :人們能選擇不同方式來創作,並有不同的觀點闡述。安排小一的孩子到校園中收集各式各樣的樹葉,自行創作、表達心中的想法。看到孩子的巧思與巧手,不得不讚賞他們的潛能。
As Seasons change, those flowers, grass and trees in campus show different colors and shapes.Their various postures are created by God and make them the best book for children to learn.These creatures indeed lead students to approach, observe and also trigger on their creativity.
We arranged an activity to let G1 students collect leaves they found in school then use them to create their own artwork, and it is combined with the central idea of "How We Express Ourselves":People can choose different ways to create, also different perspectives to interpret.
As we browse their creations, we couldn't help but admire their potential and clever thoughts.
Let's take a look of these cute and funny artworks!
An Ichthyosauria is swimming.
There are many leaves and flowers on tree which are swinging in the breeze.
This is flower.
This is rose.
A baby-bird is born!
I feel thankful while watching a fish swimming.
I like chameleon because he can switch colors on his body.
This is a sleeping owl.
Butterfly is soaring in the sky.