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Nepal Fundraising Project

Last school year 2016-2017, our third and fourth graders organized fundraising projects as part of their “How we organize ourselves” summative assessment goals - to help Shachok Village up in the mountains of Nepal rebuild their water wells, which were destroyed by the devastating earthquake in April 2015.

For the third graders’ cooperation unit, six teams planned and ran their own restaurant for a day in campus. They learned to apply the skills and attitudes they developed during the process of inquiring and understanding what cooperation looks like and what it takes to work together amidst challenges, disagreements, and other peer conflicts in order to achieve their team goals.

As for the fourth graders’ money unit, they organized a two-day bazaar and two-day service project. They sold second-hand books and accessories, as well as snacks. They also offered their services to teachers and their parents; they used their time and abilities to raise funds for a cause.

This is the second year Kuei Shan has contributed to the Nepal missions headed by Grace Church. The 2015-2016 fourth graders also participated in this missions giving (you may view related article here.)


Overall, the teams raised a total amount of 48,110NT, which was contributed to Grace Church Nepal Missions Team. A grand total of 204,000NT (6800 USD) was presented to the Nepalese village pastoral team on April 10, 2017. The school has kept in touch with the missions team and has shared photos and videos of their water-well-rebuilding journey.

In October 2017, the Shachok villagers held a formal opening and blessing of the water well in the presence of the pastoral team representative, Brother Mahesh Yaatri Bhojpure.

He shared a video of the opening ceremony and sent the missions team a message of appreciation:


From Brother Mahesh, from the opening ceremony at the Shachok Water Well.

Thank you for your love, care, support and prayers. We can only imagine the impact everyone's efforts has had for these people, but surely it is good!

God bless!"


It is Kuei Shan’s mission to equip learners to be responsible, engaged world citizens and enthusiastic stewards to serve their community, their country, and the world. We thank all the parents for supporting the school in making these student-led fundraising projects a learning success and helping teachers to fulfill our school’s mission. To God be the glory!

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