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How We Organize Ourselves In Kuei Shan School

Every year, a group of young kids enter this new environment called Kuei Shan School where they start their journey of education. Like in every journey, everyone needs to adjust, adapt, fit in, find their place, and our first UOI theme helps them with exactly this challenge: "How We Organize Ourselves".

For the first 2 weeks, students started the theme off with reflecting and sharing about “ME”. Students shared their likes (or dislikes) and thoughts:


On the third week, the students shared about “My Home” -- their family, their home and home activities. The class discussions were guided and led to which home activities are helpful and which are not. Responsibility was the focus.

On the fourth week, the focus shifts to class and school. We did visual thinking routine See-Think-Wonder. They are to guess what area of the class is the blown up picture, then follow up with the discussion on responsibilities and norms they should remember in relation to these classroom areas

We then let the students reflect on “Class Responsibilities” -- what they should do in class, and draw it out on post-its.

On the fifth and final week of the first UOI, we formulated our Class Agreement. We both did drawings and video recordings for this.

The first UOI is finished, but the rest of the school year has just started. With the class agreement as our constant guide and reminder, the K-kids are on their way in this journey of education.



“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

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