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SY104 PYP New Parents Orientation

​​​ The KSS-PYP team conducted a PYP introduction workshop to new families of the school community. It was held last September 30th, 2015 from 7:40-8:20am at the DP Library. This session fulfills the International Baccalaureate’s requirement for the school community to demonstrate an understanding of, and commitment to, the program. (IB Programme Standards and Practices, 2011) Around 30 families participated in the session.

During the orientation, the participants were tasked to explore both the IB and our school missions and find out how one is aligned to the other. The activity gave parents an understanding of how Kuei Shan’s expectations and goals for its students were developed.


Parents were also given an overview of the role of the IB learner profile in teaching and learning, as well as promoting international-mindedness in the students. Before the session ended, they had the opportunity to ask questions regarding the use of ManageBac reporting and curriculum system.

Kuei Shan PYP aims to continually educate the school community to effectively practice the IB philosophy and pedagogy both at school and at home. Stay tuned for future parent education workshops.


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