World Maths Day 2015 Reflection

World Maths Day is an online international mathematics competition sponsored by the United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF). This year, another grade 11 student and I prepared this event. We planned this activity for Grade 6 students at Kuei Shan School, because we wanted to provide an opportunity for them to take part in World Maths Day, as well as have a chance to compete with students from foreign countries.

This year, World Maths Day occurred on Wednesday, October 14. We gathered 31 computers, tested the internet connection, and checked their functions to ensure that the activity would work successfully. On that day, there were two periods for two classes’ students to participate in this event. One of the periods was in the morning, while the other one was in the afternoon. I believe students really enjoyed participating in this event, and they all got excellent results in the competition. At first, some grade 6 students were not interested in this event, but after experiencing it, they all had fun with it and learned something from it. Almost everyone got excited during the competition, and wanted to play again and again.

Since this was our first time hosting an event with PYP grade 6 students, their positive feedback encouraged us to plan other events. Although we faced many problems during the event and made some wrong decisions and actions, we still managed to finish this activity. We learned numerous things from this experience and we will strive to do better next time if we have another opportunity to do something similar to this event.