Kuei Shan School Profile
MOE: 421303 CEEB/ACT: 694572 UCAS: 40941 IB World School: 049727
Address: 200 Mingde Road Taipei, Taiwan 11280 R.O.C.
Tel: +886-2-2821-2009
Website: www.kshs.tp.edu.tw
Fax: +886-2-2820-5790
Skype: kueishanschool Email: info@kss.tp.edu.tw
The School
Taipei Kuei Shan School is fully accredited by the Taipei City Government Department of Education, a member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) as a private Christian school, and an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School which provides a lively campus community for more than 700 students by blending educational excellence and an international perspective with Christian values.
At Kuei Shan, we celebrate our distinctive place in K-12 education – where teaching, learning and faith guide the mind in understanding the complex diversity of God’s creation and prepare the whole person for service and leadership.
Accredited by the Taipei City Government Department of Education
Authorized to deliver the IB Primary Years Program (PYP), Middle Years Program (MYP) and Diploma Program (DP)
A member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
Curricular Program
The school provides International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program (DP), Middle Years Program (MYP), and Primary Years Program (PYP) with a Taiwanese national curriculum perspective. Our Pre~K-12 curriculum is based on IB standards and benchmarks of the Republic of China Ministry of Education. The school is accredited by the Taipei City Government Department of Education. The school is an IB continuum school authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization.
Extracurricular Program
Broad range of offerings, including intramural sports (soccer, basketball, T-ball, and volleyball) and the Taiwan International School Sports Association (TISSA) tournaments (soccer, basketball, softball, volleyball, and track & field/cross country), fine arts (drama, poetry, orchestra, band, recorder, guitar, choir, dance, DIY), service (short-mission trip, handyman, environment), writing, Model UN, scout, robotics sewing, cooking.
Instruction in Kindergarten, elementary, and middle school is generally 50% in English taught by English First-language teachers and 50% in Mandarin. For the high school curriculum, all instruction, excluding Chinese, is in English.
Achievement Battery
ORF, SRI, SDRT, ISA, IB eAssessment, PSAT, IB Exam
Type of School
Private, coeducational, day school
School Year for Students
From late-August or early-September to late-June, for a total of 195 instructional days
Pre-school: 4 & 5-year-olds
Elementary School: Grades 1-5
Secondary School: Grades 6-12
Organizational Structure
The governance of the school is vested in the Board of Trustees, which includes eleven trustees generated according to the Republic of China Private School Act.
The administration of the school is responsible for the daily operation of the school.
Head of School:
Erick Cheng; chenglei@kss.tp.edu.tw
Head of High School:
Robert Chung; robertchung@kss.tp.edu.tw
Head of Middle School:
Caleb Lin; caleblin@kss.tp.edu.tw
Head of IB PYP:
Elizabeth Hu; elizabethhu@kss.tp.edu.tw
IB MYP Coordinator:
Robert Chung; robertchung@kss.tp.edu.tw
IB DP Coordinator:
Steven Hu; stevenhu@kss.tp.edu.tw
College Counselor:
Curtis Quick; curtisquick@kss.tp.edu.tw
Will Goulder; williamgoulder@kss.tp.edu.tw
Secondary Director:
Sally Sun; sallysun@kss.tp.edu.tw
Elementary Director:
Stacy Hu; stacyhu@kss.tp.edu.tw
For the 2023-2024 school year, enrollment is around 700.
Student Nationality
76% Taiwanese, 24% from 20 other countries
Class Size
6-28 students
Summer and Winter School
Conducted for an additional fee.
Devotion and Chapel
Daily devotion in the student's homeroom. Monthly chapel.
Students are not required to embrace the Christian tradition to become part of the Kuei Shan family and enjoy all that Kuei Shan has to offer.
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