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Our Education Philosophy


Taipei Kuei Shan School recognizes each child will grow into an individual made in the image of God. Our educational practices aim to foster self-worth as well as respect for others, are guided by proven effective methods, and are conducted in a student-oriented style. As a result of such nurturing, the unique gifts of each child can be developed into maturity.

- Hsiong Hui-Ying, 1963

Our Mission

Kuei Shan’s mission is to provide holistic education that is Biblically inspired, academically rigorous, socially friendly, and globally and culturally responsive. Students will be equipped to experience TRUTH:

                              Transformed: by the renewing of the mind

                              Rigorous: academic pursuits

                              United: life-giving community

                              Twined: heritage with globalization 

                              Holistic: balanced development

Department of Education, Taipei City Gov
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Taipei Kuei Shan School


No. 200, MingDe Rd, BeiTou District., Taipei Taiwan R.O.C.

Tel: +8862-2821-2009

Fax: +8862-2820-5790


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